EARLIER THIS WEEK, Netflix revealed that one of their users has watched Bee Movie 357 times this year.
Most people assumed that the culprit was a parent, and it turns out this assumption was absolutely correct. A woman named Gemma Chalmers came forward and said that when Netflix made the announcement, her friends immediately began to tag her in posts.
Her friends said “This has to be you.” So, 29-year-old Gemma did some maths and it turns out she may possibly have watched it more than 357 times. Perhaps watching it on different user profiles lowered her overall figure.
The reason Gemma was watching Bee Movie so often was because it’s the only film that keeps her son Jaxson calm. He first saw it when he was a few weeks old and has been hooked ever since.
We’ve watched it multiple times a day to keep him happy. He watches the film from the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep at night.
Gemma doesn’t share the enthusiasm. She has tried to ween him off and onto other movies like Trolls and Cars but he’s not interested at all.